this is where i write about horror films and also write horror stories and sometimes i write about non-horror films but mostly i just write about horror films and write horror stories.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Dimension Films EXTREME presents: INSIDE / 2007 / 82 minutes (UNFINISHED REVIEW)

apparently i started this review seven years ago and never finished it, and i still haven't finished it. this is just directly copied and pasted from a seven year old word document that never even made it to first draft stage because that's the kind of quality control i like to exercise around these parts.

TOAD ROAD / 2012 / 76 minutes (UNFINISHED REVIEW)

i started this review four years ago, never finished it, didn’t even complete a first draft and the end of the review devolves into structural notes and then it just stops. so what better way to finally open my account as an online reviewer than to post a long, rambling, broken, completely unfinished review of a film that no one including myself even remembers or cares about without any additions, corrections or editing to any part of this shit at all. 


apparently this was gonna be the first review i was gonna publish on this thing. news to me, 2014 walsh.


this one is i think from about eight years ago. straight pasted from a .doc. no fucking idea what's even in this thing or how far through it i got. anyway, its a great fucking movie you should check it out.

SUPER / 2010 / 96 minutes (UNFINISHED REVIEW)

this is another bunch of thoughts and ideas that were probably going to be a review at some point. i'm just throwing these out there as a sort of purging and also to be pretty transparent right off the bat. once I've aired all my dirty laundry and started posting some new shit i'll probably take these down but for now you can at least see a bunch of shit that i started then abandoned for some reason and completely forgot about until now. also only second unfinished review in and already this isn't a horror film, so off to a terrible start.